• Benefits







AquaFinesse water treatment: pure, clean and easy

AquaFinesse is a unique water treatment product for hot tub, whirlpool and swimming pool. A single dose of AquaFinesse per week prevents bacterial re-growth resulting in crystal clear, high quality water.

Who is AquaFinesse intended for?
AquaFinesse is intended for anyone seeking simple, convenient and effective water treatment and maintenance product for their hot tub, whirlpool, or swimming pool. By adding a weekly measured dose of AquaFinesse to the water, you will achieve crystal clear, high quality water, with the extra time to enjoy it.

What are the advantages of AquaFinesse?

  • Saves precious time in maintenance
  • Easy to use
  • Leaves a fresh scent and softens the skin
  • Reduces the chloride content in the water
  • Protects you and your luxury investment
  • Environmentally friendly water treatment
  • You and your children can bathe safely
  • Dermatologically tested; gentle to sensitive skin
  • Optimises your spa experience


Cleans the hot tub, spa or pool from within and has preventive properties by addressing the bacterial living environment

How does AquaFinesse work?
The operating principles of AquaFinesse are unique compared to that applied by traditional water care products. Thus far, traditional sanitising products have been employed to destroy bacteria in the water. However, various scientific studies have demonstrated that 99% of bacteria do not actually live in the water but rather in the biofilm (a living environment and culture medium for bacteria). This biofilm can be recognised as a slimy feeling mostly experienced at the edges and walls of a hot tub, whirlpool or swimming pool.
The manufacturer of AquaFinesse, the Dutch company Special Water Europe B.V., has developed a pioneering and revolutionary approach. Instead of focusing on the destruction of bacteria present in the water, Special Water Europe B.V. studied the behaviour of bacteria and their environment. Coming to the conclusion that traditional products cannot prevent the all important formation of biofilm, where bacteria feed, breed and shelter.

Pioneering water treatment technology
Special Water Europe B.V. has long-suspected that the solution to the cleanest and safest possible water was locked in with the behaviour of bacteria. After seven years of extensive research, AquaFinesse water treatment was developed by studying the behaviour shown by bacteria in the bathing water.

The AquaFinesse pioneering water treatment formula was produced to loosen the biofilm and prevent its re-growth. Scientific research has produced extensive evidence that this alternative approach to water treatment, i.e. addressing the bacterial living environment, is extraordinarily effective. By using AquaFinesse , the culture medium, or living and feeding environment for bacteria is reduced, thereby reducing the need for water maintenance products such as chloride. AquaFinesse remains one step ahead of the bacteria, by focusing on the core of the problem. Its preventive properties are found to block the re-growth and multiplication of bacteria.

AquaFinesse water treatment: Safer for your health and the environment
Scientific research has shown that water maintenance is impossible without using a disinfectant. The disadvantage of disinfectants such as chloride is of course that they have adverse effects on your health and the environment. The unique operating principle of AquaFinesse, i.e. addressing the bacterial living environment, means that the number of chemicals in the water of your hot tub, whirlpool or swimming pool can be drastically reduced. An additional bonus is that side-effects such as red eyes, sore skin and irritated airways are a thing of the past. AquaFinesse is safer for your health and kinder to the environment.


  • Kind to your health, your children and the environment
  • French organic lavender has been added to AquaFinesse, to maximise your relaxing bathing experience.


  • Its non-complex application saves you precious maintenance time

Traditional water maintenance versus Aquafinesse water treatment

People who purchase a hot tub, whirlpool or swimming pool do so for the health benefits and relaxation properties that they offer. However, they soon discover that the complex daily measurements and adjustments of pH, sanitiser, alkalinity, calcium hardness etc., can be very difficult and time consuming, with results often leaving a lot to be desired.

AquaFinesse has been developed with your safety in mind, as well as that of the environment. In addition, AquaFinesse attaches great value to keeping things simple for you as an owner of a hot tub, whirlpool or swimming pool. Using AquaFinesse could not be easier. Simply shake the bottle and add the correct dose of AquaFinesse to the water once a week. AquaFinesse must be used in combination with the standard kit; cleaning tablets, slow-release dispenser and a measuring cup. Regular filter cleaning is also very important in order to optimise the effectiveness of AquaFinesse.

About the manufacturer
AquaFinesse is a product developed and produced by Special Water with its head office located in the Netherlands.
Special Water specializes in the field of environmentally friendly water maintenance. AquaFinesse was developed after having completed seven years of extensive research and is now sold globally. AquaFinesse can be found in over 30 different countries worldwide.

The Netherlands and water
People from Holland are traditionally respectful to the power of water. After all, the majority of their country is below sea level. The Dutch storm surge barriers, dikes and polders are famous worldwide, as is the expertise of Dutch engineers in manipulating the water and its powers. Awareness of water, its uses and respect for the environment are vital issues for the Dutch society. That same respect for water, the expertise and understanding of its properties and behaviour are all deeply embedded in the psyche of Special Water Europe B.V.

Where to Buy


Environmentally friendly, safe for your health and gentle to the skin.